Thursday, June 5, 2008


Future mother in -law

kak Ilah and Abg Husni
Me and her older sister

This day is the happiest day for my neighbour or my friend also as she engaged with her own choosen gentleman person.Daa....this day i did'nt wake up early coz i had my slept late yesterday.It is about 11 o clock ,i quickly woke up and rushed to the bathroom.Then,i iron my clothes!Finally i went there!
I brought the cam so i can get the pic.To keep as memory.The people so crowed and the surrounding look like the bee sound...hehehe,i called my friend Kak Ilah.Kak Ilah looked stunning with the glitter on her shawl.Eventhough she has lost father & Tok on the past but she still has friends who still support her.Poor her!!! She is my bestfriend
When the ceremony is carry on she very nervous about her make uplaa,lotion arr.Fuhh so tired that day.Future mother in law was entered to sheathe the ring.It is simple ring but worthy to her.My worked just taking the pic from the beginning until the end.Many pic that i got.The dishes was many kind which is:
  1. Gulai telur
  2. Jelatah timun
  3. Sambal
  4. masak lemak rebung

I just ate little bit...!

Name of her fiancee is Abg Husni!nice person,caring,shy...he also comed together.She met with Abg Husni when she worked in MRSM Balik Pulau last year.She worked as the cooker there while Abg husni as Chief.Something like that ar..

The End!

Monday, May 26, 2008


This holiday i spend most time to write my script, result this time in MJSC Lenggong better than in MJSC Merbok because there i cannot concentrate in my study.When the first time Lenggong i felt like the surrounding has change...friends,teacher!all teacher care for their beloved students.Especially Mr.Ismail always attend to the assembly every morning.He always babbling about discipline and attitude.But always took positive for that such things.The principle not bad too,he try hardest to had good skill in enhancing English in order to support his student in carrying good result in English for this SPM.My friends said he is better than the last year principle.
About friends,i think sometime they were selfish but sometime kind-hearted.Sometime i felt alone and cry in toilet.I miss friends in Merbok,they were care about thier friends...
In Merbok,we always spend time to exercise every afternoon in gimasium,badminton.We always shared about our favourite man....huhuhuhu.Sometime we buy thing in coop or cafe.Cafe sold Keropok lekor...ehmmmm nyamyyy,misslah.But now i lost that memory in Lenggong.Homeroom teacher is Cikgu Pasda.She always busy with her work but we understand that,she is my ex-addmate teacher while her husband is my ex-physic teacher.Now i had new homeroom teacher which is Cikgu Wani.
2 Day ago,my school invited Puan Nor Afifah to give a seminar about chemistry,i was shocked because i saw my ex -chemistry teacher was comed,so excited to see him.When i got to see him,thanks to god he pray for me in SPM.Fushhhh!!!

Friday, May 9, 2008

First Memory

In 1st of May 1991 borned a cute little baby girl...Hehehe! Hye its me yogeswari..Welcome to our page...Let me intro myself first,you know my name,im studing in Mara Junior Science College...Im in form 5 this year (SPM takutlar...hehe) Hope i can get sure i can give out my best...If u want to know more about from Kuala Kangsar,Perak (but my hometown is Penang),I love to eat chocolates and ice-creams..emmm(yummy) ...i love to play in rains as it makes me happy...I prefer loittering with friends other than studing when i got free time.Hmmm...yap,forgotton,my ambition is to be in medical line..Thats all for know...will be posting again..untill then thank you for reading my post a comment for me...Bye..