This day is the happiest day for my neighbour or my friend also as she engaged with her own choosen gentleman person.Daa....this day i did'nt wake up early coz i had my slept late yesterday.It is about 11 o clock ,i quickly woke up and rushed to the bathroom.Then,i iron my clothes!Finally i went there!
I brought the cam so i can get the pic.To keep as memory.The people so crowed and the surrounding look like the bee sound...hehehe,i called my friend Kak Ilah.Kak Ilah looked stunning with the glitter on her shawl.Eventhough she has lost father & Tok on the past but she still has friends who still support her.Poor her!!! She is my bestfriend
When the ceremony is carry on she very nervous about her make uplaa,lotion arr.Fuhh so tired that day.Future mother in law was entered to sheathe the ring.It is simple ring but worthy to her.My worked just taking the pic from the beginning until the end.Many pic that i got.The dishes was many kind which is:
- Gulai telur
- Jelatah timun
- Sambal
- masak lemak rebung
I just ate little bit...!
Name of her fiancee is Abg Husni!nice person,caring,shy...he also comed together.She met with Abg Husni when she worked in MRSM Balik Pulau last year.She worked as the cooker there while Abg husni as Chief.Something like that ar..
The End!